Friday, June 7, 2019

Deficiency Disease Essay Example for Free

wish Disease EssayDiseases that are caused by lack of some particular nutrient in a persons diet are called Deficiency Diseases. Following are some of those diseases, their cause and their treatment1. Night-blindnessA child having this disease is unable to see properly in the dark. His eyes become inert and listless and the skin becomes dry. If not treated in time, the child may become blind.CauseThis disease is caused due to the inadequacy of vitamin A in the diet. sermon A child suffering from night-blindness should take a diet rich in vitamin A. Carrots, fish, fruits, milk, butter, etc., are all good sources of vitamin A.2. Beri-beriThis is basically a disorder of the nerves. It affects the wellness of eyes % and skin, growth of the body, formation of muscles and blood. There may besides to be stomach and intestinal disturbances.CauseThis disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin-B. wordThe change child must eat the foods rich in vitamin B like milk, fish, meat, cereals, egg, etc., and also seek medical advice from a doctor.3. ScurvyPeople suffering from pitiable have swollen and bleeding gums. They lose weight and become delicate. Their teeth start shaking and become loose.CauseThis disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin-C.TreatmentOranges, citrus fruits, cabbage, amla, etc., should be included in the diet of the patient.4. RicketsIn this disease, the bones of the legs become thin, deformed and curved (bow-legged). The bones of the child become weak and soft.CauseThis disease is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin D.TreatmentThe alter child must eat the foods rich in vitamin D like milk, fish, meat, butter, egg, etc., and take the advice of a doctor.5. AnaemiaIn this disease, the level of the haemoglobin becomes low gets tired very easily and feels weak. The skin becomes pale. The lips and nails become dull and colourless.CauseThis disease is caused due to the deficiency of iron.TreatmentThe person should have plenty of green, leafy vegetables like spinach and cabbage. Meat, apples, beans, dry fruits, etc., should be included in the diet.A doctor must also be consulted immediately.6. GoitreIn this disease, there is swelling around the neck region of a person.CauseThis disease is caused due to the deficiency of iodine.TreatmentThe affected person needs to add iodised salt to his or her food.PreventionA high standard of nutrition must, however, be aimed at and carefully kept up(p) to ensure complete freedom from these preventable causes of ill-health.

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